There came a very young and handsome man to the preacher the whole world was thronging after. He looked sober and dressed in purple and gold. He wasn´t of a haughty eye: or with any air of pride around him. Indeed, the master loved him before he could come closer. This was very rare.
When he came to the master, he had a gentle request in his hand. He said, “Master, what can I do to inherit the Kingdom you have been preaching about.” I thought he was greedy for he already looked plenty rich, why on earth would he require for more riches. However, to my surprise, Master smiled at him and said, “Go and do good as it is written.” He replied, “I have been doing good since my youth.” I thought to myself, “What a pompous young man? You already look young and still talk about doing good since your childhood. Well, I guess no one told you it wasn´t wise to lie to Master because he knows all things.” Again, my thought nearly choked me when Master responded that, “Of the truth you speak.” Imagine my shame!
Master, however, added this, “Just one thing is left.” The young man could not stomach what Master told him; thus, he walked back to his earthly possessions grieving within him. This was a man so close to being one of the top and the greatest in the Kingdom of God, yet just one thing blocked him from choking this success. The one clue to Judgment which Jesus mentioned had something to do with the generosity of man towards his neighbor. He added, “As you didn´t do for the least of these, you did not do for me.” [Matt. 25:40]. God indeed recognizes giving and caring for people.
The one thing this young man lacked was the detail to his success. Many of the things we want to achieve in life may be in view; we know what we want to achieve, but how to get there is usually the issue. If our eyes are not opened to realize the how´s to get there, we may dream and dream but never be able to actualize the dreams. Jesus said to the young rich man, “one thing thou lackest.”
The dream will take shape if we realize that one thing. The vision will take a tremendous momentum if we realize that the one thing. There is just one thing which has sabotage our progress in ministry for ages. Many people you talk to have lots of problems. When you probe further, you will observe that all their problems are centered on just one thing. The source of all their woes is a result of just one thing. The Apostle Paul prayed and said, “Just one thing I do . . . ,” because without that he may end up a failure.
We have been called into this earth and ministry for just one thing. It is that which shall change lives and affect the world. It is usually not more than one. Jesus did so many things when He was on the earth. However, just one thing culminated the success of His coming as a man. Our quest is to find that one thing. In the business, family, ministry, friends, character and the like, we need to identify that one thing.
The young, rich man would never have known until he came to Jesus. Similarly, you and I will never know the one thing we need to know and do. We will never know the purpose of our creation and the one thing to solve our problems until we come to Jesus. There are several ways to kill a cat, they say; however, there is only one effective way. There are many ways to pass a test; yet, there is only one acceptable way. Coming to Jesus is the only way to help identify that one thing. As strange as it may sound, two people may have a similar problem but the approach to solving them may be entirely different. Without the master´s hand and input, many efforts will be fruitless. Just one thing and it is with the man JESUS!